However, a nine-month investigation by the Iowa Attorney General's office found no wrongdoing on the part of police.
Board officials said their nine-month investigation found enough evidence of antiunion hiring practices to conduct a hearing, which is set for August.
Rather, it must find firm evidence to reach that conclusion, and the agency said today that after a nine-month investigation it could not.
The scheme was brought to light last June when the individual defendants were arrested after a nine-month undercover investigation.
Today, after a nine-month investigation, the subcommittee found that most of the goals, either interim or final, had not been achieved.
The regulators interviewed more than 60 Salem employees during a nine-month investigation.
In a nine-month investigation, the subcommittee staff examined 212 tax returns filed over 10 years by the American subsidiaries of 36 foreign companies.
The raid was a result of a nine-month investigation involving the police and the district attorney's office.
A nine-month federal investigation this year uncovered problems from a leaky generator to malfunctioning water pumps.
Mr. Perot set the committee's agenda from the start, plunging it into a nine-month investigation of Texas schools.