It also decided to stop listening to the accepted wisdom and in October 1985 it started an intensive, nine-month study of what makes investment banks tick.
Second, a nine-month study to determine the value of the IB program was conducted as part of the settlement agreement.
The panel, consisting of judges and divorce lawyers, reached the conclusion after a nine-month study that examined the spiraling cost and slow pace of divorce cases.
In September, the Federal Government declined the request for an emergency declaration, but it agreed to a 90-day review to decide whether the nine-month study should be conducted.
The project, which officials described as the largest cooperative venture between the two nations, is expected to begin after a nine-month study is completed.
The Los Angeles federation has spent $150,000 on a nine-month preliminary study of the proposed renewal area, which encompasses about 12,000 people.
According to the group, this paper was created within a nine-month study.
In the nine-month study of about 475 patients, dalcetrapib raised HDL levels by 31% compared with placebo.
The statement was issued during a hearing on a nine-month study of commuter plane safety conducted by the board's staff.
In conducting its nine-month study, the commission examined the backgrounds of 115 Police Academy candidates screened by the department, of whom 95 were hired.