You could also say it is what a nine-year running battle is made of, one pitting property rights against ecological concerns, is made of.
His mother, Jacqueline Hernandez, lost a nine-year battle with Alzheimer's in 1989.
Thaxter died on August 14, 2012, in Longwood, Florida, after an eight- or nine-year battle with Alzheimer's disease.
The accord ends a nine-year legal battle.
His son, journalist and author Charles P. B. Taylor, died in 1997 at 62 after a nine-year battle with cancer.
And he began a nine-year battle with the bureaucrats to acquire the Margaux appellation for his wine.
Oliva Dionne fought a nine-year battle to regain custody of his children.
Karel died at 74 years old on September 19, 2009, after a nine-year battle with prostate cancer in Washington, D.C.
It's the latest stage in a nine-year legal battle over alleged building defects.