On April 15, 2010, Melissa and Tammy Etheridge confirmed that they have ended their nearly nine-year relationship.
Bell said her nine-year relationship with Bonds ended in May 2003.
In 2005, the Rams decided to move summer training to their own facilities in St. Louis, Missouri, ending the nine-year relationship.
In 1972, Holden began a nine-year relationship with actress Stefanie Powers, which sparked her interest in animal welfare.
Gómez ended his nine-year relationship with Silvia Meichel on 2 October 2012.
A woman who says she had a nine-year relationship with Barry Bonds said yesterday that he told her several years ago that he was using steroids.
In 1999 he ended a nine-year relationship with his longtime girlfriend Kaori Ito.
In April 2011 she married musician and physicist Martin Austwick after a nine-year relationship.
Ms. Bard, who had just ended a nine-year relationship and was longing for what she called the "real deal," was thrilled about Callum's return.
Until 1999, he was in a nine-year relationship with actress Suzanne von Borsody.