Her nine-year-old brother Michael and mother Barbara sustained minor injuries.
Her mother and her nine-year-old brother, Randolph, accompany her on her travels through Europe.
Until one year ago, she had lived with her parents and her nine-year-old brother in a quiet suburb of Sacramento, California.
One of the children, a three-year old girl, suffered multiple fractures and cuts to her face while her mother and nine-year-old brother were hospitalized with lesser injuries.
What fourteen-year-old would waste his time hanging around with his nine-year-old brother?
When he was four, he was profoundly affected by the death of his nine-year-old brother, Gérard, from rheumatic fever, an event later described in his novel Visions of Gerard.
Her family consists of her mother Amy Collins, her father, her eleven-year-old sister Ellie, and her nine-year-old brother, Grant.
At the age of five, she left Armenia with her parents and her nine-year-old brother, Mikael, because her father was called up to serve in the military during the Nagorno-Karabakh War.
Her parents and her nine-year-old brother Bobby were asleep.
The total death count was 1,021 of the 1,331 passengers who were on a Sunday school outing, and among the victims were her mother, her nine-year-old brother Walter, and her 11-month-old sister Agnes.