'Because I suffered through a class on American nineteenth-century poetry with a professor who did the same thing.'
Finally, there was a "third way" that upheld a unique nineteenth-century Catalan poetry in Barcelonese dialect, but it had few defenders among the supporters of the Jocs Florals.
She is the author of "Malcolm's Katie," a poem that has achieved "a central place in the canon of nineteenth-century Canadian poetry."
The last movement of "Ulysses", which is among the most familiar passages in nineteenth-century English-language poetry, presents decisive evidence of the influence of Dante.
She is a critic of nineteenth-century poetry, literature and women's writing.
On a Fulbright Scholarship, Strand studied nineteenth-century Italian poetry in Italy during 1960-1961.
She has a Doctorate in nineteenth-century French poetry and magic from Oxford University.
There were Puritan sermons on witchcraft and small volumes of nineteenth-century poetry and long works of philosophy and criminology from our own century.
But, as before, the personal world and that of late nineteenth-century poetry are sieved through anthropological ideas, emotion distributed among unsettled voices, narrative, optative, and choral.
This connection hints again that Fitzgerald led Eliot to the East, and that his reading in the history of religion affected his view of nineteenth-century poetry.