Kyla's "no-nonsense" personality has led to mixed reviews in the press.
Jock, with an abrasive, no-nonsense personality, ignored all protests.
Her father had a strict, no-nonsense personality who instilled a strong work ethic and a fierce win-at-any-cost sense of competition in his children.
He is presented as a no-nonsense personality, who often tells Angelus exactly what to do and does not give his subordinates time to joke around on the job.
She has a no-nonsense personality, but adopts a small sense of humor as the series progresses.
He is proud, with a no-nonsense personality, rugged good looks and a truly intimidating physique.
Short in stature, Mr. Trotman had a no-nonsense personality and a Scottish brogue.
Muriel has a good working relationship with most of the staff, but is noted for her strict ways and no-nonsense personality.
His agent, Roosevelt Barnes, got a taste of Jones's no-nonsense personality when they met.
He's got a no-nonsense personality and cuts quickly to the core of any matter.