But it's not easy, even for tough, no-nonsense types.
He is very stingy with money and an irascible no-nonsense type.
I was looking for a simple, earthy, no-nonsense type to play the part of a teen-ager.
Vanatter was a no-nonsense type who'd always shown respect for brick agents.
Your friend is that no-nonsense type of guy who can hang up on you in person.
A large, no-nonsense type of man with contemplative eyes.
The direct no-nonsense type, he didn't believe in fancy farewell speeches.
The nurse who'd brought me down the hall was a large, solid, florid, no-nonsense type.
You've been described as a straightforward, no-nonsense type of person.
So much for her theory that children wanted their doctors to be brusque no-nonsense military types.