Ofsted's new Chief Inspector, Sir Michael Wilshaw, has announced plans to introduce no-notice inspections for all regular school inspections from September 2012.
This is not to say that the operation of inspections is free from frictions, but at this juncture, we are able to perform professional no-notice inspections all over Iraq and to increase aerial surveillance.
OFSTED are being urged to conduct no-notice inspections because of the perception that, come the notified test date, the bad teachers and pupils will be kept out of sight.
United States U-2 spy planes, flying on missions for the United Nations, have provided evidence that the Iraqis knew of the no-notice inspections well ahead of time, other Government officials said.
Schools in England will face no-notice inspections from this autumn, the new head of Ofsted has announced, so that inspectors can see classrooms "as they really are".
The Academy was rated as Outstanding in 2011 and again following a no-notice inspection in 2013.
As part of the changes introduced in 2009, Ofsted consulted extensively on no-notice inspections and also piloted unannounced visits.
With the introduction of our new Parent View online questionnaire last year, parents can now share their opinions of their child's school at any time, making a move to no-notice inspections possible.
Madam President, farmers are not unreasonable people, nor, as a rule, are they dishonest, yet cross-compliance often treats them unfairly, with disproportionate penalties for minor offences and no-notice inspections.
The "no-notice inspections" for all schools from this September were necessary so that the public could have "absolute confidence in the integrity" of the system, the new head of Ofsted said.