Autun was a noble and industrious city, an important trading center in the interior of the province.
Samos is an old and a noble city.
Obviously there's no surfeit of things literary in your noble city.
Once a noble city stood here, and its inhabitants ruled for thousands of miles.
But may God bless Memphis, the noblest city on the face of the earth.
Well, he was no more naive than Carter, with his American ideas of open societies and noble cities motivated by science.
"I have searched all my life for that which you have possessed from birth, a noble city to belong to."
You come from Vitipeno, that great and noble city.
"Well," she smiled as they drew out on the traveled highway, "how do you like the purlieus of our noble little city?"
Montpellier is a superb, noble city with its eighteenth-century architecture still intact.