I am indispensable to this noble edifice and without me this splendid structure is incomplete.
Ironic that so noble an edifice should house so vile an organisation.
The urban area is made up of noble edifices from around 1900.
The School today boasts of noble edifice well ventilated wide class rooms.
CAll our noble edifice in ruins is.
After Independence, the government developed many beauty spots of the district, but of their noble and magnificent edifices only faint traces survive.
He devoted himself for several years to the task of beautifying and completing in every sense the noble edifice erected by his predecessors.
A deep anger welled in him at the thought of the low purpose for which the noble edifice of Castle Brightblade had been used.
Consecrated in 1821, the church was considered by many in the time of the Raj to be "the noblest edifice in Hindustan."
Ivan's son Vasily III ordered the old main church of the monastery demolished and replaced with a noble six-pillared edifice.