Then Guatemoc rose and spoke, saying: 'Your pardon, noble kinsman, but I hold that we may put this prisoner to better use than to kill him.
My noble kinsman has a hard heart, and has demanded proof of the strength of that cause before he lifts a hand or stirs a foot to commit himself.
--In asking you to remember those two noble kinsmen nuncle Richie and nuncle Edmund, Stephen answered, I feel I am asking too much perhaps.
However, there is also evidence that the two shared a strictly fraternal, familial bond, as indicated by the line "Bassanio, your most noble kinsman ."
Fergus was lord of a small realm on the northern coast in Dal Riata; his principal stronghold was called Muirbolc after one of his noble kinsmen.
Ramiro Sánchez of Monzón (1070-1116) was a noble kinsman of the kings of Navarre, and lord of the town of Monzón, Spain.
It occupied a central position opposite the gate, surrounded by the homes of his noble kinsmen and domestic buildings and pens for stock.
My thanks to him, noble kinsman, are greater than you weet of; and he promised to visit me, that he might receive them at leisure.
(turning to Stephen) - speak, noble kinsman!
But we grow too light for your noble kinsman; and it is time for me to bid you, for the present, farewell.