To the former captain of this noble ship- Admiral Kathryn Janeway!
One that brings no gladness to any Jophur stack aboard this noble ship.
On the opening page of his work, Leavitt's elegiac tone towards the noble wind-driven ships of the past was evident.
This did not mean Procrustes was not a noble ship.
All noble ships, and they all had two things in common: they were loaded with treasure; and they went down.
The Para'tar was a noble ship.
He wondered whether Van Buren would be as shocked when he was able to glimpse what really had happened to this noble ship.
Looking back, the whole bank of cloud was broken by the widespread line of noble ships which were bursting through it.
"Call me Ereshkigal, captain of the noble ship Procrustes. "
Preserving the names of noble men and noble ships of the past is a fine tradition.