No nobler theme ever engaged the pen of poet.
The third movement is slow in tempo and features a lyrical, noble theme, set against an eighth note accompaniment (in a later appearance, 16ths).
Brahms's G-major Sonata - is there any more elegant or noble theme than the opening of this piece?
One can hardly fail to be impressed by the contrast between old monuments celebrating important citizens or personifying noble themes and the new populist ones.
A noble theme, Picard thought, and one he was glad to hear more of, after the past day or so.
The "noble" theme is continued in the first-name dictionary.
Go, seek a nobler theme!
The last movement ended with a noble professional theme, rather Elgarian, representing independence.
As the forlorn woman sings, the orchestra plays a quietly noble theme that sounds like a curiously subdued fanfare.
By skillfully merging these with a noble theme, Reinhart revitalised the heroic landscape.