Every faculty of mind, every noble trait of human nature, every high occupation which men engage in, seems represented by a famous name.
And many kind, good, and noble traits are to be found among those classes, whom at home we regard as our inferiors.
Parenthood had many noble traits, but one of the greatest was the hope that your child would surpass your successes.
Young Arthur moved to the South and came to love Southerners, writing home about "those noble traits of character for which Virginians are so distinguished: hospitality, generosity and a high sense of honor."
Self always gets the upper hand, but you're aware of the peripheral existence of nobler traits, especially in Arkadina's conflicted scenes with Konstantin.
Their profound veneration for the founder of their liberty and their republic is a noble trait of the American people.
They also disliked the character of Paul, who has few of the self-sacrificing, noble traits associated with a hero.
While he inveighs against Catiline's depraved character and vicious actions, he does not fail to state that the man had many noble traits, indeed all that a Roman man needed to succeed.
Injuring people because you're capable of standing up to others isn't a noble trait.
"When noble traits are described in our country, thou art pointed out as a model among us."