Lark would rather end it all in some noble and heroic way.
I cannot think of a better, or more noble, way of leaving service.
For just a second, in a kind of strange and noble way, he looks every bit his age.
"If I have to go, that is a noble way to do so."
Had he fought in a more noble way he might still have won, but his losses would have been far higher.
We must earn our freedom in a nobler way.
She was described as unanimously admired, with a "noble" and versatile way of acting.
They could have shown a schoolgirl from early on that abstinence was a noble and healthy way to live as a young person.
It may not be the noblest way of living, but it is one way.
His message was "Be a builder," and why that's a noble way of looking at your role in serving a client.