He nodded complacently, and she smiled and reached out to caress his ears, then bent to pull her boots on.
Von Loringhoven, standing patiently in the aisle, nodded complacently.
Demetriades looked bored and nodded complacently in the pauses.
She nodded complacently and grinned at him.
Master Datnil nodded complacently, as if personally acquainted with vast stretches of time.
Glinnes nodded complacently and tucked it all in his pocket.
And the man nodded complacently, and then his eyes switched away from Mark's face as Storm came up.
He stuck the extra money in his wallet and nodded complacently as if it were only just.
Lini nodded complacently, but Breane gave her a purse-lipped look.
Raistlin nodded complacently, leaning forward over the pommel of the saddle to talk to his brother.