White Haven's blue eyes were intent, but his face was calm and he nodded courteously to her.
Wen looked up from his work and nodded courteously.
Nodding courteously to them, he took his place.
I introduced everyone, and Telemain nodded courteously to each of us.
He nodded courteously, but then his gaze wandered to Civil.
Finally he nodded courteously, and the bird flew off.
A hand reached up to gentle the 'cat, and she nodded courteously to the commissioner.
"I hope everything has been comfortable for you, under the circumstances," she said, nodding courteously.
Fuchien's face was grim, her eyes haunted, but she nodded courteously.
The three men nodded courteously, if warily, to one another, and Haarahld smiled.