Falb considered days on which the moon was either full or new or in its nodal positions (i.e., four days per month) to be "Critical Days."
"Because those are our nodal positions."
At harmonic nodal positions, the string resonates more than at other positions.
"I date the verb as a nodal position," the Caleban said.
The Admiralty ought to stop frittering away detachments in every hole-in-the-wall system and concentrate larger forces in nodal positions responsible for covering several systems each.
In this the five records have been assigned to contain: part number, nodal position, enclosing box excursions, attributes and description.
The two most significant files at this level are node and box, for these contain the complete assembly/sub-assembly enclosing box coordinates together with its nodal position in space.
By creating dummy assembly files with varying nodal positions at incremental time frame intervals it is possible to model the kinematics of a mechanism.
Each file header contains data for the whole assembly described, the super box excursions and the nodal position.
We'll be concentrating superior forces for each attack, and starting with their nodal positions to take out their response forces first.