Here is the noise spectrum of Michael Schumacher's Ferrari at 16680 rpm, showing the various harmonics.
The noise reduction rating, rather than be computed for a single noise spectrum the NRSA incorporates variability of both subject and spectral effects.
This reduced the noise by 6 dB and redistributed the noise spectrum, producing even more noise reduction in the sensitive mid-range.
In this case, the researchers were able to measure the noise spectrum at the time-however, they did not use this information to determine how to preserve the coherence.
Their widths are determined by the prevailing noise spectra.
The measurement of 1/f noise spectrum in voltage or current is done in the same way as the measurement of other types of noises.
He also applied general techniques within stochastic theory and signal analysis to develop improved descriptions of noise spectra in nonlinear semiconductor optical amplifiers.
Greg rubbed a thumbnail against his lower lip and studied the yellow noise spectrum on the green oscilloscope screen.
A Fourier decomposition of the noise spectrum showed certain harmonic components, but this clue led nowhere.
The resultant noise spectrum is directly related to the optical intensity noise and in general depends on the RF frequency, .