The street was alive with the sound of ragged children playing noisy games.
And in the hot late-afternoon sun eight barefoot women played a noisy game of volleyball.
Kids play noisy games of tag among the boulders.
"He is giving them back their childhood," Judit murmured under cover of the noisy game.
Two of the children played a noisy game around her feet, barely noticed.
A group of children had been playing a noisy game of tag near their mud-walled homes.
The series went five noisy games, and in them we were reminded of Jordan's own concession to time.
The rest of the family soon tired of the vigil and went inside, where they played a noisy game of Scrabble.
All the children had paused in their noisy game of symbol tag and turned to look.
The boys spent a lot of time kicking a dead ball around the dusty courtyard in noisy games of soccer.