Enormous quantities of a ruddy-brown fluid were spurting up in noisy jets out of the machine.
He aimed a noisy jet of urine into the metal bucket in the corner, then emptied phlegm from his throat in a series of growls.
He paced back and forth in the belly of the noisy jet.
Airport Noise Congress instructed the Federal Aviation Administration to eliminate most of the airlines' noisier jets by the turn of the century.
Gains in Noise Controls In other areas, communities have won stricter flight curfews and bans on takeoffs and landings of noisier jets.
Groups of airport operators are urging a nationwide ban of noisier jets, which include older versions of the Boeing 727 and 747, by the end of the decade.
The Port Authority, which has no power to regulate the flight paths taken by airplanes, is concentrating on the number of takeoffs and landings by the noisiest jets.
By the year 2000, according to Federal Aviation Administration rules, the nation's noisiest commercial jets must be phased out of the fleet.
The move encouraged the airlines to replace older and noisier jets with quieter planes if they wanted to increase their frequency of flights.
Dortmunder looked up there and saw I the jet coming out of the west, sweep-winged, sparkling, noisy.