As this new social structure arose, conflicts occurred among some of the nomadic populations.
Their numbers are difficult to estimate, although based on the average density of nomadic populations they probably numbered 30,000 to 60,000.
In 1923, the total population of the state was around 604,000 (excluding the nomadic population of the eastern regions).
They also showed that nomadic populations had higher frequencies of 7R alleles than sedentary ones.
It had a population of 73,185 (as of 1993), partly nomadic and also in scattered small towns and other settlements.
The authority of tribal elders remains a strong influence among the nomadic population.
Arctic biological resources have been sufficient to support small, scattered, nomadic populations which lived mainly along the coast or rivers.
Thousands of settlers were killed, and this was matched by Russian reprisals, particularly against the nomadic population.
Here nomadic populations entered from the north to mingle with the native population.
Bankilaré's importance as a pole for nomadic populations is reflected in the history of local governance.