Many nominal Christians also practice traditional local religious beliefs.
Bertram described himself as 'at least a nominal Christian', up to the end of his university years.
Consequently, many nominal Christians converted back to Paganism.
At first he was afraid that persecution would produce nominal Christians, hypocrisy and fear clothing the lack of an orthodox foundation garment.
In addition, between 20 and 30 percent of persons in western countries who may be nominal Christians also believe in reincarnation.
The nominal Christian would simply not answer affirmatively because he wouldn't even know what you're talking about.
Earl Sigurd accepted, and remained a nominal Christian the rest of his life.
For nominal Christians it is perhaps only the third time they have been at a religious service; the other two being their baptism and marriage.
Dorothy's parents were nominal Christians, rarely attending church.
Muslims, Jews, and a small fraction of other nominal Christians are unitarian monotheists.