The economic condition of the people conducting the Campus is not high enough to manage the college and there is nominal support from the government.
Your nominal support of environmental protection has been without substance and effect.
The party, despite its nominal support for a separate black nation, attempted to transcend color barriers in organizing workers, farmers and the unemployed.
Norway has led the way in giving nominal support to a government elected in 1990 that has never been allowed to take power.
Still, better to have the nominal support of the river-cities than to have them scoff at his claim.
You don't speak of these aspects to Hopeful; you offer him the top stuffed-shirt position in exchange for his nominal support.
Despite Wayland's nominal support of socialist endeavors, he, himself, was a capitalist opportunist.
Although the Western nations had given nominal political support to the East, they failed to come through with material economic support.
But the NEA has now given Clinton's plan at least nominal support.
Alan Schlesinger, the Republican challenger, is trailing far behind, with only nominal support from his party leaders.