The offending articles, written under a pseudonym, included one analyzing the continuing power of Deng Xiaoping, who was nominally retired.
The decision came at a secret meeting of the Politburo attended by Deng Xiaoping and by other senior leaders who are nominally retired, the official said.
It is exceeded in authority only by the so-called sitting committee of octogenarians who are nominally retired but continue to hold ultimate power.
Although nominally retired, Back remained on Admiralty List and, based on seniority, he was promoted to vice-admiral in 1863 and finally admiral in 1876.
Mr. Robertson, who will turn 70 in June, is nominally retired.
Mr. Deng, who is 85 years old and feeble, is nominally retired.
Retired nominally after the 1990 season due to Mongoose's drastic cut in his salary, from $25,000 a year to $3,000.
This drives Gunther Gebel-Williams, the legendary animal trainer, nominally retired, nuts.
The most powerful rulers of China, all octogenarians like Mr. Deng, are nominally retired and will not be shuffled.
Gladstone had nominally retired from politics after losing his Greenwich seat in 1874, when Disraeli had been swept to power.