In November 1945, he was nominated Minister for Public Health in Luxembourg.
On 3 June 2009 he was nominated Minister of Finance and sworn in a day later.
In 1869 he was nominated Minister of Finance by Chilean President José Joaquín Pérez, until August 2, 1870.
Jachmann resigned when Albrecht von Stosch was nominated Minister for the Navy on December 31, 1871.
He was nominated Minister of Education and Cultural Affairs in February 1974.
This did not come to pass because he was nominated Minister of the Kingdom in the government of José Jorge Loureiro.
When Mitterrand was elected president of France in 1981, Fabius was nominated Minister of the Budget.
In 1962, while Giscard had been nominated Minister of Economy and Finance, his party broke with the Gaullists and left the majority coalition.
He was nominated Minister of the Environment and Housing of the Government of the Generalitat de Catalunya on 16 December 2003.
He fought the monarchist uprising of 1919, and was nominated Minister of War in the same year.