White Americans of non-Hispanic origin make up 35.1% of the city's population.
Native Americans of non-Hispanic origin make up 0.3% of the population, and number over 75,000 individuals.
Asians of non-Hispanic origin made up 4.6% of the city's population.
However, Asians of Hispanic and non-Hispanic origin together number at 6,342.
Whites of non-Hispanic origin form a slight majority, making up 50.7% of the population.
Blacks of non-Hispanic origin form 13.0% of the population.
American Indians of non-Hispanic origin make up 0.2% of the populace.
Asians of non-Hispanic origin make up 13.7% of the population.
In addition, roughly 2,500 people are Native Americans of non-Hispanic origin.
Blacks of non-Hispanic origin made up 30.8% of the population.