Aurangzeb was the first Muslim Emperor to enforce sharia law on a non-muslim country.
Do you even know what Islamic decree is for Muslims living in non-Muslim countries?
Today, the actual status of the non-Muslim country in question may vary from acknowledged equality to tributary states.
Being a devout Muslim vs stay in a non-Muslim country.
Treating them as the enemy only worsens the gap between Muslim and non-Muslim countries.
Rules concerning halal food are relatively difficult to adhere to in non-Muslim countries:
The survey also measured feelings in several non-Muslim countries about Muslim immigration.
This is particularly true of Muslims who now find themselves living in non-Muslim countries.
Improving the public's understanding of the contemporary Islamic world in non-Muslim countries and vice versa.
Quote "it is allowed taking the opinion of the scholars from the Hanafi madhhab who allow to deal with wrong contracts in non-muslim countries "