Some leaders say the non-Muslim world discriminates between black and immigrant Muslims more than Muslims do.
So before we blame any Muslim country's legal system, let us acknowledge that such things exist in the non-Muslim world and often go unreported.
It is exempt from government crackdowns in the Muslim world (and often in the non-Muslim world) by virtue of its sacredness.
This drew a clear dividing-line, one impossible to cross, between the "abode of Islam" and the outside non-Muslim world, the "abode of war".
Khomeini strongly supported the spread of Islam throughout the non-Muslim world.
The most important finding, emphasized in the summary report, is the shared sense in the Muslim and non-Muslim worlds that Islamic extremism represents a threat.
Yet Qutb went much further than Mawdudi, who had only seen the non-Muslim world as jahili.
One hopes that the non-Muslim world will also grapple with the ethics of violence, particularly by challenging the rhetoric of the term "suicide bomber."
Most important and least recognized in the current climate of fear in the non-Muslim world, Islamism as a political ideology appears to be losing ground in Indonesia, not gaining it.
It is sponsored by the unelected clerics who retain supreme power through their control of the police forces and who oppose any further opening to the non-Muslim world.