In December 1991 the two states had negotiated a non-aggression agreement and an accord to prohibit nuclear weapons from the Korean peninsula.
During the first few months of 1950, Israel and Jordan came very close to creating a separate "five-year non-aggression agreement".
"We have a non-aggression agreement with the demons," Doctor Ladislav offered.
In that capacity he acted in 1932 as Romania's representative in the negotiations with Soviet Russia about a non-aggression agreement.
North Korea denied all such allegations and responded by severing ties between the countries and announced it abrogated the previous non-aggression agreement.
Despite the non-aggression agreement with the United States, American small arms and other weapons are used by resistance movements.
They constitute, in effect, non-aggression agreements of unlimited duration, but they contain in themselves no provision for establishing normal relations between the neighbouring countries.
During the autumn and winter of 1942 Borovets also conducted negotiations with Soviet partisans and reached tricky "non-aggression" agreement, which lasted until February 1943.