Officials said that it was inappropriate for a dormitory leader to have a Bible study because it might make non-Christian students uncomfortable.
The principle established in this case is that Christian symbols are sufficiently offensive to non-Christian students to justify the suppression of the Christian students' religious freedom.
However, being a national school that draws students from all over the country, Alliance High School has a small population of non-Christian students, mostly Muslims.
In 1995, it was ruled that the Christian cross was not allowed in classrooms, as it violates the religious freedom of non-Christian students.
In fact, most classes (with the exception of Kindergarten) are made up of primarily non-Christian students.
From 1840 to 1848, Long taught at the school for non-Christian students run by the CMS at its premises located on Amherst Street.
Enrollment is open to Christian students of all denominations as well as non-Christian students.
The courses have reached both Christians from the Three Self Patriotic Church and other Christian groups as well as non-Christian students.
Supported allowing non-Christian students into Redeemer programs.
Charleston Catholic enrolls both Christian and non-Christian students from a wide range of ethnic, racial, and socio-economic backgrounds.