Sometimes, the government awarded non-citizen immigrants who died fighting for American forces with the posthumous title of U.S. citizenship, but this is not considered honorary citizenship.
Austrians in the United Kingdom include citizens or non-citizen immigrants of the United Kingdom whose origins lie in the Central European, German speaking nation of Austria.
They can be either British citizens or non-citizen immigrants.
Romanian migration to the United Kingdom refers to the phenomenon of Romanian people moving to the United Kingdom as citizens or non-citizen immigrants.
And they are creating an untermenschen class in America by denying even food stamps to non-citizen immigrants who are in the U.S. as legally as anybody born here.
Vietnamese people in the United Kingdom include British citizens and non-citizen immigrants and expatriates of Vietnamese descent in the United Kingdom.
Papadopoulos campaigned in the 1970s to give voting rights to non-citizen immigrants in Swedish municipal and county councils.
Yemenis in the United Kingdom include citizens and non-citizen immigrants in the United Kingdom of Yemeni ancestry, as well as their descendants.
The term expressed the idea that US law allowed non-citizen immigrants to use the existence of offspring born in the US to justify immigration for other relatives.
They may be French citizens or non-citizen immigrants.