It is also awarded for non-combat service, in support of military operations, which was outstanding when compared to other units or organizations performing similar service.
He spent several years in prison and non-combat military service before returning to the mound for the Samsung Lions in 2007.
In Britain, women were drafted and assigned to industrial jobs or to non-combat military service.
During this time period, the West German government began to slowly introduce new military awards and decorations, most of them for non-combat meritorious service.
Since the beginning of World War II, the United States military has honored various units for extraordinary heroism or outstanding non-combat service.
Many objectors accepted non-combat service, for example working in the dangerous role of stretcher-bearers.
The medal was intended to recognize acts of non-combat meritorious service accomplished during the Spanish-American War.
The award is authorized for certain acts of non-combat meritorious service, for which no other service medal or ribbon is authorized.
Kuldip was not comfortable in a non-combat service, and represented against it.
The medal was presented for combat service in bronze, and non-combat service in steel.