The United States has also applied entomological warfare research and tactics in non-combat situations.
About 4.5 million men serve in the Soviet armed forces, and every year, nearly 7,000 of them die in non-combat situations.
At least two aircraft were lost in non-combat situations within the first year of operation.
However, there are also many non-combat situations in which house demolition has been used.
Standard practice when moving the T-34-85 in non-combat situations was to fully elevate the gun, or reverse the turret.
Formerly a Scotland Yard inspector, he also proved to be a valuable asset in non-combat situation.
Combat Lifesaver skills are intended for use in combat; however, the skills may be applied to soldiers in non-combat situations.
As I dressed, I felt unusually stuffy in the starched fabrics that, previously, I had considered quite the norm for non-combat situations.
Triage in a non-combat situation is conducted much the same as in civilian medicine.
Hanks received the Navy and Marine Corps Medal, which is the highest award given to a Marine for heroism in a non-combat situation.