This included a short documentary piece on Content Delaware, a non-commercial project highlighting arts and culture in Delaware.; An evolving, non-commercial project of image display and text.
Lauren then split her time and work between London and Los Angeles, working on several films as well as some non-commercial projects.
The collective comprises a tight network of different companies, non-commercial projects, and creative individuals.
Since 2001, he has returned to oil painting for non-commercial projects.
At the time of writing this article, the Xtext homepage lists around 40 commercial and non-commercial projects from several application domains using Xtext.
The prototype of Virtonomics was established in 2004, running as a non-commercial project for a few years.
SparkBuild was created by commercial tool vendor Electric Cloud and is a free download for both commercial and non-commercial projects.
Crypto++ has been widely used in academia, student projects, open source and non-commercial projects, as well as businesses.
It "was shot under a Screen Actors Guild experimental letter agreement that is designed to help new directors with non-commercial projects."