Diseases can also be classified as communicable and non-communicable disease.
He has also been actively engaged in the search for sound means to reduce the global incidence of non-communicable diseases.
Since the 1940s there has been a global transition in health, with a rapid emergence of non-communicable diseases.
In contrast, non-communicable diseases have been virtually ignored by local health departments.
Tragically, there are few local or national data concerning the incidence of non-communicable diseases.
Considerable global assets have been spent to prevent non-communicable diseases - for example, with major investments to improve the environment.
Both initiatives include diabetes in a set of major non-communicable diseases.
Risk factors such as a person's background; lifestyle and environment are known to increase the likelihood of certain non-communicable diseases.
At the same time, non-communicable diseases such as hypertension and diabetes are on the increase.
Globalization can also benefit people with non-communicable diseases such as heart problems or mental health problems.