Inline speed skating is a competitive non-contact sport played on inline skates.
It is a non-contact sport involving two teams competing in a pool similar to what is played out on the ice with a puck.
In sports, the rate of aggression in both contact and non-contact sports is relatively equal.
Basketball is a non-contact sport, so fouls are common, although challenges are often fierce.
Despite the misconception that basketball is a non-contact sport, officials often let a large amount of marginal or incidental contact pass uncalled.
But even non-contact sports such as roller-blading or skiing can result in damage to teeth.
Men and women can play together because it's a strictly non-contact sport between two teams of seven.
He may channel his aggression into an upscale, non-contact sport.
At 16:55 16th Jan 2012, rafiq424 wrote: football has become a non-contact sport.
It's going to happen unless it becomes a non-contact sport, in which case I'll want to start a different code of the game.