For example, a non-destructive technique for measuring sulphation levels of frescos was developed in the 1980s.
For most applications, it is, in effect, a non-destructive technique that measures the surface chemistry of any material.
In 2008 it was reported that a number of non-destructive techniques had been applied to the codex in an effort to authenticate it.
It is a non-destructive technique (which does not destroy the exhibit and doesn't prevent the use of other techniques).
As these samples are not altered, UV-visible-NIR microspectroscopy is considered a non-destructive technique.
For example, optical microscopy and microspectroscopy cannot injure the sample, so they are considered non-destructive techniques.
Today, the method is used as a non-destructive analytical technique, and as a process control tool in many extractive and processing industries.
The modern X-ray fluorescence is also a non-destructive technique that is suitable for normal assaying requirements.
It is a non-destructive technique (will not damage the evidence in question) thus allowing further tests to be carried out.
Chemical imaging techniques is critical to understanding modern manufactured products and in some cases is a non-destructive technique so that samples are preserved for further testing.