West took the view that it had no need to present its own evidence because the plaintiffs "have effectually shown a non-discriminatory" policy by the company, citing the case Lewis v. Brown and Root.
In 1972 Whitlam announced a completely non-discriminatory policy, which effectively put an end to the "White Australia Policy".
The Government of Nigeria follows a liberal and non-discriminatory policy in the grant of citizenship to resident foreign nationals.
At the 1960 meeting in Rome, FIFA had given South Africa one year to adopt a non-discriminatory racial policy.
Mexico has a non-discriminatory policy with regard to the grant of its citizenship.
It has retained its non-discriminatory policy of publishing intellectuals from a variety of professions outside of academia.
Although it is a Catholic School, a non-discriminatory policy is in effect, whereby students of any race, color, religion, national or ethnic origin may be admitted.
It also aims to establish a framework within which Member States shall define general, transport and non-discriminatory policies on security of electricity supply compatible with the requirements of a competitive single market for electricity.
The establishment of a framework setting out a transparent, non-discriminatory policy that is compatible with the requirements of a single market for electricity is crucial to the issue of security of supply.
Lieberman has adopted a non-discriminatory policy in employment decisions, which include sexual orientation and gender.