The 6.4% decline in spending during Q3 on non-durable goods, like clothing and food, was the largest since 1950.
Orders for both durable and non-durable goods totaled $199.8 billion in April, the department said.
Partly as a result of the methodology chosen, a subsidiary aim was to examine the links between expenditure on durable as opposed to non-durable goods.
The operating rate for non-durable goods edged down to 85.5 percent of capacity, compared with 85.7 percent in August.
These personal expenditures fall under one of the following categories: durable goods, non-durable goods, and services.
Generally the life span of non-durable goods may vary from a few minutes to up to three years.
In rural Pakistan, dowry values are still relatively low, around 12% of a household's annual (non-durable goods) expenses.
Examples include non-durable goods such as soft drinks, toiletries, and grocery items.
Guadalajara's economy during the 18th century was based on agriculture and the production of non-durable goods such as textiles, shoes and food products.
Throughout the year it has been difficult to achieve sales gains in durable and non-durable goods without price discounting.