At this time the legislature met every two years, in the non-election year.
Tobacco interests pumped $4.5 million into the coffers of Federal candidates and national political parties in 1997, an industry record for a non-election year.
Tobacco interests contributed $131,613 more last year than in 1995, the most recent non-election year.
But, if past non-election years are a guide, Congress will have to struggle to go home just before Christmas.
The state's 34 House members and two Senators raised a total of $4.5 million in 1989, a non-election year.
He gave $366,000 to Democratic Party committees in 1997, a non-election year.
But he added that it was not unusual for Congress in a non-election year to run right up to the Christmas holidays.
Though they did not win, the fact that Democrats managed to unseat two sitting incumbent opponents in a non-election year is significant.
The question is commonly used to gauge support for an incumbent in a non-election year.
It is not unusual, particularly in a non-election year, for political books to struggle for an audience.