In spite of this judgment, juries went ahead with the existing rule and left out uncensored non-feature films.
It is one of several awards presented for non-feature films.
Whether a film is considered a feature film or a non-feature film shall be decided by the Feature Film jury.
Awards were divided into feature films and non-feature films.
Notable amongst the non-feature films are those on Kerala's performing arts.
Awards were divided into feature films, non-feature films and books written on Indian cinema.
The term may also be applied to non-feature films with the minimum length, such as television movies and direct-to-video releases.
Before 1969, awards were presented as a prize to non-feature films due to a lack of feature films produced in Australia.
Proceed application of non-feature films and host foreign crews for location shooting in Mainland China.
The jury for non-feature films was chaired by Shri.