Generally, non-food items and non-food-related activities are not included in her budget.
Other grocery and non-food items (such as flowers) are also available in many of the branches.
Online sales of both food and non-food items rose more than 14pc.
This is because the company has a significant store-expansion plan, which can allow it to move more into non-food items.
The craving of non-food items as food is called pica.
Washington also held stocks of non-food items for national distribution.
Grocery sales are expected to rise by 3.3pc, as spending on non-food items falls 0.5pc.
This means that spending on non-food items would have slumped by £9.5bn since the downturn started in 2008.
These services were limited however, and only really applicable for non-food items.
But there are some things your body does not digest well, such as fiber, or non-food items like plastics.