With an extensive, nationwide presence and employing state of the art retailing technology, it offers food and non-food products.
The markets are supplied by mobile producers who provide the people of Munich with groceries, flowers and non-food products.
This was the first store in the chain to sell some non-food products and was initially two storeys tall.
Thus, firstly appear dedicated to trade to the retail non-food products, followed by the food.
Fish and other aquatic organisms are also processed into various food and non-food products.
Just over 30% of commerce was dedicated to non-food products such as clothing and pharmaceuticals with the rest mostly dedicated to wholesale foods.
However, the risk would depend on the characteristics of the non-food product itself.
The revised directive will progressively lead to a substantial improvement in the possibilities for dealing with safety problems of non-food products.
Subsidizing production of food and useful non-food agricultural products is justifiable.
I also believe that any incentives we give should favour the countryside, such as using non-food products as raw materials for construction and energy.