Then the credit crunch hit and the non-government sector stopped borrowing, but kept up the same level of savings.
One rationale for the non-government sector is that it can more readily mobilise 'voluntary' help, but this is not necessarily so.
The non-government sector, which includes Catholic, private and Jewish schools, recorded steady growth since 2002, gaining more than 16,890 students in the past five years.
Catholic education accounts for the largest non-government sector.
A large percentage of the untrained teachers are in the non-government sector.
Minsky argued that a key mechanism that pushes an economy towards a crisis is the accumulation of debt by the non-government sector.
Korolevska wants to involve the non-government sector more in decision-making.
The government deficit is merely an indication of the overall financial saving levels of the non-government sectors.
Which comes from the non-government sector wanting to save, not spend.
Government wouldn't have to do that if the non-government sector spent - since that would increase tax revenues.