It is a forum that allows non-governmental actors in the Middle East to engage in political warfare activities against corrupt regimes.
The Forum will facilitate increased communication and interaction among regional stakeholders, state and non-governmental actors alike.
The structures and processes for collective decision-making involving governmental and non-governmental actors.
In practice, decisions are made by consensus and include a strong participation of non-governmental actors such as major non-governmental organizations (NGOs).
Lowdnes' concept of the 'disaggregated institution' theorises the institutionalisation of relations between governmental and non-governmental actors, providing a useful starting point for conceptualising hybrid institutions.
Political process model- In this model the decision making body is effected by many non-governmental actors such as NGOs or the media.
Focus shifted to non-governmental actors and an enabling government.
The CRARR is affiliated with a number of governmental and non-governmental actors.
The Universal Declaration of the Rights of Peoples was adopted in Algiers, July 4, 1976 by a group of non-governmental actors.
It must therefore bear very much in mind that this instrument cannot be allowed to strengthen non-democratic regimes and that it must therefore take very good account of these non-governmental actors.