It is governed by a 16 member board of directors that links federal, provincial and territorial governments with non-governmental health-related groups.
Several online petitions are being posted by some concerned citizens and non-governmental groups, calling the attention of the President, to save the mansion.
Iraq has never admitted inspectors at all, neither from official organizations, which can be pressured to discretion, nor from non-governmental groups.
This is a nonprofit non-governmental group which works to promote human rights in Bahrain.
Beyond the official meeting, controversy has also spiced plans for parallel events by Indians and non-governmental groups.
Some non-governmental groups have found other missions that support their communities.
The non-governmental group works to create social opportunities, including recreation facilities; enhance environmentalism; and create a political voice for the town's youth.
And most of the domestic production - about 85 per cent - is drunk locally, according to the unofficial figures often cited by non-governmental groups.
The plan was released to the public at the prodding of the National Security Archive, a non-governmental group.
Some critics have seen two hours of the series, shown at a screening by ABC several weeks ago for non-governmental groups.