Seven people were treated for non-life-threatening injuries, and later that same day, another tornado touched down over downtown Leesburg, with much less damage.
In such situations, aid station medics provide "level one" care and treatment of non-life-threatening injuries or illness.
At least one person had a serious but non-life-threatening injury.
The pilot ejected from the aircraft and was taken to hospital with undetermined, non-life-threatening injuries.
More than 20 people received non-life-threatening injuries and two people died in the collapse.
The local sheriff's office reported that the man was transported to an area hospital with non-life-threatening injuries.
One of the men outside had deep cuts to his arms and legs, and was taken to hospital for treatment of non-life-threatening injuries.
But there was no room in sickbay for anyone with non-life-threatening injuries.
These units are for people with non-life-threatening injuries.
After such conditions have been addressed (or ruled out), non-life-threatening injuries are addressed.