Govt High School came into forefront as a non-profit making body.
It is a private, voluntary and non-profit body. is a professional advice search site which provides financial, mortgage, legal and accounting information, run by an independent non-profit body.
The Foundation is an independent non-profit body with tax-exempt status on both the state (Indiana) and federal levels.
If you are a sports club or a non-profit making body you should read Notice 701/45 Sport.
All funds are donated to the non-profit body and no party within the group is paid to provide services.
The cell has enlisted itself with non-profit making bodies for information regarding campus recruitments and further studies.
But there is an exception for non-profit making bodies, see paragraph 4.6 below.
Civilian service is usually performed in the service of non-profit governmental bodies or other institutions.
A non-profit making body does not necessarily have charitable status.